line alive

line alive
breathe life into a simple line, giving a sense of emotion to its actions, without using any props, but making effective use of timing, arcs, anticipation, line of action, and other principles covered in class. 

Criteria for Line Alive review and grading:
• 10 seconds shot on twos at 30 fps, h264-compressed Quicktime movie? framed for 10 field? On animation-size paper?
• line is a mass drawn in chalk pastel and not a contour? Thick and thin?
• story clear: line transitions from one mood to another clearly? Is it alive?
• use of squash and stretch, anticipation, line of action, arcs, anticipation, secondary action, speed changes via spacing? Is the line flexible and believably alive?
• does the sequence make use of more than just the frame: are there exits and entrances?
• no symbols, icons, background, or other props used.

student examples
meghan luna 
james mcmullen

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